Candle Gazing Meditation

Trataka, or Candle Gazing Meditation, is a means of finding a single point of focus. It helps release spent energy through tears and calms the mind. With newfound clarity, one can set intentions from the heart.

How to practice Trataka:

  1. Set up a candle at eye level. Use a small table or props.

  2. Sit arms-length from the candle.

  3. Light the candle.

  4. Gaze softly at the base of the flame. Relax your eyes. If your gaze or mind wanders, bring it back to the base of the flame.

  5. Allow your eyes to water and tears to flow as feels comfortable. Try to keep eyes open and unblinking.

  6. When you’re ready, close your eyes and continue to focus on the afterimage of the flame. Imagine the flame image is at your third eye to connect with your intuition.

  7. When you feel complete, open your eyes, blow out the candle, and notice how you feel. Journal about your experience if you feel called.


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