This One’s for the Moms

Moms - I see you.

I see you in the day-to-day role of being a Mom. You are the glue that holds it all together. You carry the constant load of scheduling appointments, planning meals, organizing clothes, checking homework, working inside and outside of the home, and more. You’re there for your kids when they need a hug, a bedtime story, a snack, a listening ear, a lost set of headphones, or a bit of advice.

I see you this December as the holidays approach. You plan and facilitate holiday traditions and create memories that will last a lifetime. You make cookies, buy gifts, send cards, and decorate, all while admiring the sense of wonder in the eyes of your child. You feel the pressure of perfection from yourself, others, media, and society.

I see you looking around at other Moms, wondering how they have things all figured out. You give your all and the to-do list never ends. You go to bed exhausted and get up to do it all again. You wouldn’t trade a minute of it for anything, and yet you feel like maybe you’re missing something.

I see you in this season of amplified emotions. Traditions change as people come in and out of your life. It can feel beautiful and it can feel like loss. You feel a mixture of grief and joy, frustration and excitement, anger and peace, and so much more. You hold these feelings while being ready to help your child navigate their ups and downs.

You are not alone. The holidays are hard, in that beautiful whirlwind kind of way. As we enter the season of winter, nature tells us to slow down and turn inward. Society pulls at us to do more, buy more, celebrate more and be more. How do you find balance? How do you experience the joy of the season without burning out?

Take time to slow down, rest, and give your body and mind time to process and realign with what is important. Do something that fills your cup and helps you reconnect to your inner joy. Take a nap, do yoga, go for a walk, or soak in a bath. Whatever you choose, do it with the intention that it is sacred time for you to recharge. The practice of self-care can bring you into the present moment and allow you to enjoy life as it unfolds.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Well that sounds lovely, but I don’t have time to relax or do something for myself.” My advice to you is to start small and commit to doing something simple for yourself each day. Even five minutes of mindful self care can make a difference in your well-being. Commit to yourself this season and see how it transforms the way you look at parenting through the holidays.

If you need some extra help finding tools to cultivate balance, I’m here for you. Find relaxation and connection to your true self through a guided mediation and healing Reiki energy. Extend your session with a coaching component to work through the blocks that are holding you back. Let go of the resentment that comes with feeling like you have to do it all. Give yourself the gift of self-care so you can show up for your family in a joyful way.

Wishing you love and light this season. ♥


Meatloaf Stir-fry


Roasted Root Veggie Soup